Sunday, June 8, 2014

22 days till we leave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH SHIT!!

WOW I can not believe that in a few short weeks we will be locking the front door and setting off!

Preparations have been crazy!!  What does it take to get this family holiday organized???  Let's look at what we have been up to

  • Gardening - All the garden cut back so no one has to look after it for three months.  Thanks Heaps to my wonderful friends Tash and Jen who came over and took half of it home as cuttings for their gardens!!!  Saved us $$ in dumping fees and heaps of time!  We even managed to get two loads of free mulch.
  • Blake's Passport finally was organized and arrived a week ago.
  • Thailand Visas - We have sent off out passports to get two month visas - OMG it is quite stressful not knowing if they are safe!! hopefully they come back this week so I can be sure we will be able to leave the country :)
  • Caleb's schooling - I have been busy looking into subscriptions for homeschooling and reading websites.  He already has access to Reading eggs so that will get a work out.  Will do a post later on what sites I am hoping to use.
  • Cancelling what feels like 1 million things - from Daycare, to gym to phones, and the list goes on - still not sure I have covered everything.

What a shamozol with flights :( 
We used webjet and booked quite expensive flights so as to minimise any stop over for the boys.  Now of course Jetstar have changed our 930 pm flight from Cairns (picked so the boys will be sleeping) and have changed it to a 430 time  NOT HAPPY JAN!  we are badgering them at the moment asking for some refund as the cheap flights we could have booked originally had a huge stop over like this and we would have saved ourselves more than $500 !!!!!!!!!!!!!  Webjet say it is Jetstar's fault and we need to talk to them - or they can KINDLY refund all our flights  - but that will take at least 6 weeks to get our money back!!!!!!!!!!!  Big cross for Webjet  X

Blake will miss his birthday when we are away so we have thrown a party in there for him "just for shits and giggles" as Megsy said!!!  - and the same weekend I have put the boys into the Cairns BMX carnival!!!!!!!!!!!!  Great idea Tina!!!!!!!!!!

Derryn has been working like a mad man to pay off the flights that are on the Credit card... 
Report cards need to be done for school along with 100 other assessments and things!

All I keep thinking of is drinking of a beer on the beach at the moment - it is all that is keeping us going

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