We spent the arvo at mini golf - a great activity for everyone (would have been even better with a big bunch of mates and heaps of beers lol - but two beers and two boys as what it was for us)
It was 18 holes for 220 baht for adults and 200 for kids - Blake was supposed to be free (said kids under 4 free) but that was only if he didn't want a club - yeah right !! Equaled about $35 for all of us -
we had some beers/soft drinks and dinner after and the arvo cost us about $60 all up!
Mummy actually got in a photo :)
When we finished they greeted us with super cold cloths - everyone enjoyed them
Caleb left his around his neck to help him cool off for ages.
We are still working on what the boys will eat... So far rice has been the winner - with meat from mummy's meal - I always wanted to be a vegetarian didn't I !?!?!?
They did love the carrot cut into a bowl (unfortunately spring rolls were not a winner , chips were eagerly enjoyed lol)
Daddy had an awesome curry! Yummo! By the way the final score card was daddy 1st and Caleb 2nd - much to Caleb's disgust :)
Seems like a great start after the long flight