Friday, July 4, 2014

Phuket Fantasea

This was a great evening and a must do for families and anyone who loves a good production. 
We opted for the 2200baht ticket each for is and Caleb was 2000baht - Blake was free, which meant he had to sit on my lap for the show but that was ok.  Our ticket included a buffet dinner that was ok but not great.  Before you even get into the show there is heaps to do. 
Everything had a very luxury feel to it! 
This was the best I could do to 'dress up' with my limited wardrobe :) .
Caleb thought this was a great photo op :) 
We got a bag of coi food and the boys really enjoyed this!  
The bag was huge and there were so many fish to look at. 
The gardens were really beautiful. 
That was definitely 50baht well spent. 
There was huge statues and stuff to look at around the park.
We went searching for tigers... Blake found a huge bird.
Blake has been lazy and is enjoying being carried.  Time to crack our Aunty Kim's sling we think! Mummy is going to have one very huge arm at this rate (daddy is too weak to carry him for too long lol) 
Caleb found the cutest exhibit full of (we weren't sure) either rats with tails docked or I said maybe hamsters! 

We found the tigers (sorry about the blurry photo) 

When we left the boys both used some of their birthday money to buy a toy tiger each. 

Blake was excited to see and touch an elephant ! It was very spikey he said.  After dinner the boys used some more of their money to get a henna tatto 
The show was so awesome!!!! It had live animals, explosions, Fluro acrobats dancing and great sets and much more!

Derryn and I both were in stitches when one of the elephants did the biggest pee right at the front of stage and all the dances were also dancing around a big poo in the middle of the stage - small things lol! 

All up the evening cost $210 (not including the toys ) plus $15 for taxis.  Not a cheap evening but well worth it! 

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