Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Second week fun!

Our second week has been spent in Karon beach in Phuket. It is closer to Patong than our last apartment, and just a basic hotel room at Phuket Orchid resort.
 It is great for families as it has lots of pools and a playground and some slides for the kids.  
When you get to the top you get to jump off the top! 
It is also close to lots of different restaurants so we had lots of take away on our courtyard 
Thankfully the boys preferred to eat inside while watching cartoons on the TV and leave us to our quiet.. 
 We did some of our schoolwork  in the restaurants.  This is Steve's across the road which gave us a great Sunday roast 
 We took a tuk- tuk into Patong area!  
The boys spent 100 baht each of their money to get a Minion who had a glow fan and sung Gangman Style!  I asked the lady if she also sold Ear plugs - she just laughed! 

Patong beach was absolutely disgusting! 
The entire beach was covered with rubbish and made both Derryn and I sick !  
Everyone of those bloops is a piece of rubbish :( 
We was watched the crazy para sailing people for ages! 

It was crazy busy on the roads 

We went to mum and dad's favourite Irish bar from their last trips (no where as fun with two kids asking for their Mc'Donalds from next door :( ) 

Two happy boys - 

Caleb and Daddy snuck out for a foot massage - 300 baht each :) well worth it they tell me :) 
Caleb was so relaxed ! 

Caleb's photo of daddy next to him relaxing :) 

It finished with a back rub. 

The erosion from the high seas was crazy! Yesterday we walked off the end of this pier ... Today it was at least a metre to the bottom! 
We had yummy pork ribs off the BBQ at a little restaurant with two full chicken merilands - ribs were 200 baht and chicken 80 baht each! 

Mummy and daddy had one or two drinks at the room. 

The hotel bar. 

The view from our room. 

Yet another beer ... 

Caleb going up while Blake is coming down! Most of our time was spent in the pool enjoying the fun :) 

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