Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Caleb was getting a little bored at Koh Samui so it was time to move on :( how anyone can be bored with the beach on your door step I will never understand!!!! Oh well! 
We got some cheap flights , but they were from the main land, so a taxi, boat ride and a bus later we made it to the airport.
Pretending to be asleep for the photo :) Blake didn't do such a good job.
The boys were very excited to find a very old playground outside the airport.  It was all made of steel - a bit dangerous! 
This one could have sliced your leg! It had metal planks as seats without rounded edges! 

Then a short walk onto the plane after some pot noodles for 'dinner'
Blake is getting very good at working the plane seat belts.
In the morning we set off to the train  with plans of Kidzania. 
 Unfortunately everyone in Thailand had the same idea it seams as it was a public holiday.  So we decided to do some Bowling and come back another day.
We had to buy some socks as we had not planned for a day of bowling, Blake had to wear just them as they didn't have a pair of shoes big enough for him.

Nice and very rare family shot... Pity someone is not still lol! 

Getting some pointers from Dad.

Blake almost beat Caleb so we had to try and not be so accurate when aiming :) 

It was a great time for everyone - especially Derryn who kicked every one's bum! 

We checked ou the water fountains on our way out. 

The next day we did Kidzania - totally awesome fun (check out the post if you are interested, totally amazing).

Then we had one day left before our flight to Chiang Mai so we did more kid related fun and went to bangkok Dreamworld.

It was a little dodgy but it was a pretty fun day.  Kind of like a badly looked after Gold Coast one! 

Caleb wanted desperately to be tall enough - maybe next time mate! 
Blake was excited from the start.
We started off with a exciting (not) vintage car ride. A whole 40 seconds of going around the railed track!!! Wow such fun ;) 
Much more fun was the Helicopter ride.
 And the canoe ride

Then on to the cars, they both lived this 

Caleb was a great big brother and looked after Blake .

Daddy went on the chair roller coaster. If you look closely you can see him waving.

Not one of my finest parent moments.... But we took the boys into the haunted house!!! They were both totally freaked out!! Oops bad mum - then Blake refused to go into the Giant's house thinking it to be the same.  Caleb still enjoyed it.

On to the bumper boats next.  Blake lived them again and was a crazy driver.
We saw this seemingly calm roller coaster .  It ended up being really fast and fun and Caleb went on it three times.

Think you can see me screaming there! 
There was heaps for Blake to do which was great.

Daddy and Caleb went on the super splash.  It was an epic splash!  

Derryn snuck his shirt off once they got going.  Can you see the half naked white dude in the front!?!?

One soaked little boy coming off.

We did some peddle boats.  Mum was paired with Blake so had to do all the work :( 

The boys were excited to actually get to put money into the machines. They were about 30c each, one 10 baht coin. Much better than the $2 in Australia! 

They also loved the big air conditioned playground.

We didn't love the dundgy smelly Bangkok, but the boys had a great time at all the things we visited.

1 comment:

  1. You certainly have found lots of things to keep those boys of mine occupied. They look like they are having a ball.
