Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Return to paradise :)

We packed up from koh Phangan and instead of going on to Koh Tao we returned to mum's paradise :) gotta keep mum happy ! 
All our bags pile in the back of the tuk tuk. 
A nice and calm ferry ride back to Koh Samui. 
Got our old room back for the same amazing price - it was meant to be and mum celebrated with a Tiger beer and sitting on our patio watching the waves and people go by! 
The boys were excited to get some freshly cooked corn - 10 steps from our room! 
Caleb went back to training - and daddy also was back to his daily torture ;) 
Mum was booked in for some daily torture of her own at the crossfit jym associated with lamai Muaythai 
Blake was easily entertained on the beach! 

We went back to the swing bar and had a great dinner and watched the fire show again.

We all went to the number 2 waterfall - 
It was quite an adventure.
After a longish skooter ride we were offered a ride up to the waterfall.  Usually we say no - but he said only 100baht for the adults, kids free. So we said yes! Thankfully as it was a super long walk - 
The boys were offered a ride on top of the truck - which of course they accepted (much to mum and Blake's disgust) 
We sat safely in the back.
The walk to the waterfall was equally as safe! 

On the way back we stop in to see the mummified Monk.  
Thailand never ceases to amaze me with English signs - even this huge sign engraved on marble has spelling and grammar mistakes!!! I got this photo thinking about what a hard time Kellie Thompson would have here lol! I told Derryn I got this photo for her! 
Giggles aside - we got some offerings for the temple... 
And placed them the shrine
At first we thought it was a little creepy having the sunglasses on the monk... Then we guessed that was better than holes where the eyes used to be! 
All the rest of his body was perfectly intact.
We also got blessed by the monk.  Didn't know if it was rude to get photos while the kids were getting blessed (felt like it) so we got an after shot of our blessing bracelets.  
They are carefully tied and cut and we are to wear them until they fall off - would be much better if they weren't white! They all have a very brown tinge already.

We heard about a big rock shaped like a willy - Grandfather rock.  We went on a bit of a wild goose chase to find it - but finally made it...
Not overly exciting, but there it was.
On the way out we got some yummy home made coconut ice cream.
We had a short visit to the walking street markets on Sunday - two grumpy boys made us leave early. 

But not before Blake purchased some new sunglasses.
And we found some yummy food to try.
Deep fried potato spiral.
Some yummy fried rice cake thingie! 
We had some sushi and satay sticks too.

Caleb got in some more training.  He enjoyed being in the ring.

We enjoyed all the beach had to offer.  
My boys love ice cream! 

We got some paddle boards to play with.  

And we had some massages.
Caleb and Daddy snuck off for some ATV riding.

And daddy snuck out at night to watch some Muay Thai 

Koh samui is awesome! 

1 comment:

  1. You are very busy people which I'm sure Caleb would enjoy.
