Monday, August 4, 2014

Koh Phangan

Our time on Samui had come to an end so we booked a boat to Koh phangnan.  
In Thai style the boat was well over an hour late.  Caleb was looking and waiting for it.
Thankfully we have plenty of technology to keep the kids entertained :) 

We finally arrived a our hotel Sunset view. Apartments ... Way way up a hill with amazing views! 

And a lovely pool.

Mum had a relax in the hammoc until the ants came down to eat her :) 

The view from our room was great! What a sunset! 
We were a little away from the beach, so the next morning we went down to the beach for a play and lunch. 
Lunch always means a soft drink - these boys have had more soft drink in the last 5 weeks than in their entire life time! 
Gotta try both mum! 

After a scary tuk tuk ride home, mum decideds it will be safer to get some motorbikes !!! Think the young driver was taking some of the things they always try and sell you (well Derryn any way - he must look super dodgy :) ) on the beach! 

A family mover Derryn Calls it! 
mummy rides alone :) think that is safer for all involved lol! 

Blake had his (second) 3rd birthday here! 
Dad searched for wrapping paper at the tiny 7/11 but with no luck! A few token gifts later - (the 7/11 offered a limited choice) we had some cake 
And then went for a big scooter ride and went to a crocodile and snake 'show'. Blake's choice for his birthday.
Well let's start out by being honest and saying it was terrible!! $50 not well spent - but both the boys loved it so I suppose that is something! They don't know better! 
Think the croc 'show went for about 10 mins (more than enough for me!) an consisted of him hitting the croc on the nose with a stick, pullin them around by their tails and finished up by picking one up! 
At the end they let the tourists into the pen to touch the crocs !! 
Daddy was happy to give it a go!! 

Then over to the Snake part of the 'show'.  

We sat well back ! 
At the end of the show he first put the head of the snake in his MOUTH followed by then doing a little gyrating dance while putting it down his PANTS! I did not want to encourage this horrible behaviour by taking photos! Poor snakes :( 

The next day we went on another skooter adventure - this time to a waterfall and mini golf! 
Walking to the waterfall.
The waterfall was nice and worth the ride (is much bigger in wet season) 
It was a tricky exercise to get all the boys up on the rock for a photo! 
But very nice spot 

Then off for some mini golf - a great little course ran by a Swiss guy - and only 100baht and he didn't even charge for the kids!! What a bargin! 

Mum was awesome as usual and got a hole in one! 

It was super hot so the boys all went shirtless - Gotta love Thailand!

We rode our bikes down to Haad Rin - where they have the full moon party! What a beautiful beach it is a great venue fora monster party! 

Mum stuck to a non- alcoholic iced coffee as we had a long and steep ride back home ! 

We went to a cook your own BBQ dinner.  It was lots of fun (and no one got sick after which was a bonus - a lot of the food was sitting out!)

The broth around the outside was amazing! 
Blake with the veges for his soup.
Picking their food to cook (sorry about the fuzzy photos- was quite dark in there)
Note the kids on the floor with their Tablets lol! 
Caleb drew a great picture - yet again trying to avoid school work!
And the boys had some huge ice creams! 
And they even found a trampoline to jump on - 
Overlooking the beach of course ;) 

Over all Koh Phangan is clearly a 'party' town that is pretty dead until the full moon party! I think the full moon party would be an absolute blast if you had no kids with you - and if you came you either need lots if money to pay for taxis or you have to hire a scooter - we decided not to stay longer as we had exhausted what the island had to offer!  Oh and as they have to deal with drunken idiots all the time - I had a feeling there were too many rules everywhere - a huge list in the hotel, go to a restaurant "don't let the kids put sand on the table" - everywhere else in thailand is just so laid back! 

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